Associated online Degree Programme

Associated online Degree Programme

In the India , as companion degree is a 3-year degree committed by colleges upon windup of an fellow degree program. Associate degrees are broadly 2-year degrees, like those granted at community colleges. Associate degrees are also available online- permitting students to study on agenda that cases their busty lives. An Associate degree is a type of undergraduate degree that involves at least 45 period credit hours. With full-time learn, it will accept 2 years to finish or 4 periods with 15 credit hours. An associate degree program needs a general education necessity, major demands, and elective course. The two type of associate degrees extended are the A.A or associate of arts degree, and the A.A.S. , which is the associate of enforced science degree.

This degree designation suggest that you have finished a course of study with an extensive basic foundation in normal education, as well as density in a particular area. Your degree is often in a accupational area, or liberal arts. This degree is planned to transfer to a three year college or university.