In Nursery Primary School, sometimes concerned to as The ahead of time Years basis Stage (EYFS), teachers cover the same areas of memorizing that follow on throughout the whole of a child's educational career.
The areas covered are:
•Communication, voice communication and Literacy
•Mathematical Development
•Personal, Social and aroused Development
•Knowledge and realizing of world wide
•Physical Development
•Originative Development
Kids access these areas by the purpose of structured, imaginative play and this is planned and delivered by specified teachers who have chosen to specialise in this particular area. All Student Teachers following a Primary Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) will at some point in their training cover the early years curriculum; giving those intending to work with very young children the opportunity to pursue this role.
Research has proven that this early entry into education is particularly beneficial and increases the chances of children developing into balanced and fulfilled individuals. For example, it has been shown that those children who have had an too soon Years Education, go on to generally higher grades, greater literacy; are unlikely to commit crime and are less likely to fall victim to teen pregnancy and other negative and socially inhibiting factors. Nursery Primary education has been shown to give children the best possible opportunity to reach their full potential.